December 7, 2024
The Magic of Coziness

Nordic countries are famous for having some of the happiest and most literate people in the world. According to the 2024 World Happiness Report, Finland ranked first in the world for happiness, followed by Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden (in 7th place, Norway wasn’t far behind). Perhaps in response to having some of the longest days of darkness and harshest winters on the planet, these countries have developed a cultural value for coziness, which likely contributes to the high levels of personal happiness people experience. A key feature of this culture of coziness? Reading.
This time of year, many nordic countries are preparing for a holiday tradition called Jólabókaflóð, which in English means Christmas Book Flood. During this special celebration family members exchange books, light candles, and spend a cozy evening reading together.
During the bustle of the American school year it can be challenging for families to pin down time together to do anything, let alone a quiet reading activity. Whether or not you decide to adopt the Jólabókaflóð tradition in your home, Rally Reader hopes you are able to take advantage of holiday time to rest, spend time with those you love, and embrace the coziness of the season. You might discover it makes you smarter!
Research indicates that balancing periods of productivity with intentional time to rest and relax not only helps lower stress levels and improves mood, but actually improves cognitive function, recall, and learning during periods of productivity (Walker et al., 2020). Some of the same research suggests that relaxing by candle and firelight during dark hours helps restore circadian rhythms that are negatively impacted by artificial light and stress, supporting overall improvement in mood and energy. Some holiday decorations, including lights and music, have a similar effect (Werner et al., 2005). In summary, feeling safe and comfortable helps us learn.
Interestingly, it’s not only a rested brain that helps us learn and remember new information; a happy one does, too! Experiencing positive emotions releases natural serotonin and dopamine, which increases capacity for making learning connections and retaining information (World Counts). This means when we prioritize time to rest and relax, we learn more and feel better. Then, when we continue to feel better, we continue learning better. Perhaps that’s why nothing feels quite so good as reading in a comfortable, atmospheric place.
Winter is a season of creating light within darkness. Rally Reader wishes you opportunities to be cozy, read good books, and enjoy time with loved ones. We hope experiencing the magic of coziness helps your family return to the school year happier, smarter, and more productive than ever before.