October, 4

Tracking progress helps you reach goals

If you are trying to achieve a goal, the more often that you monitor your progress, the greater the likelihood that you will succeed, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. Your chances of success are even more likely if you report your progress publicly or physically record it. (Frequently monitoring progress toward goals increases chance of success, Science Daily, American Psychological Association, October 29, 2015)

Think of tracking progress like a roadmap. In order to make a journey, you need to know where you are versus where you want to be, and then plot a course to get there. When we track our progress, we stay on course. When we report our progress publicly, we have an even greater chance of success because “we all want to live up to our own expectations and those of our peers.” Sam Ripples, Goal Tracking Will Change Your Life, Medium, May 25, 2019

Reading is no different. When children track their reading progress, they are more motivated to continue towards their goals. Rally provides stats (words/minute read, accuracy, streaks, etc.) so kids can see their baseline, as well as the gains they’ve made in words per minute and accuracy. Rally also enables kids to look back at all the “trouble words” they have mastered. Additionally, Rally encourages kids to set reading goals, and celebrates them for reaching daily and weekly targets.

Rally Reader makes tracking reading progress easy and accessible, putting your child on the path to reading fluency, roadmap in hand.


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