July, 3

Reading 20 Minutes a Day is Magic

Did you know that reading just 20 minutes a day is pure magic? The benefits of developing a consistent reading habit are out of this world and backed by decades of research. Reading 20 minutes a day has impacts on academic performance, physical and mental health.

Unsurprisingly, reading increases vocabulary. This daily habit exposes you to 1.8 million words a year. The increase in vocabulary has multiple benefits, from stronger test scores to the improvement of processing speeds. This allows for stronger reasoning skills since less time will be spent figuring out tricky vocabulary words.

Along with the accrual of complex vocabulary, reading creates new connections in the brain. Whether you’re learning new words or new concepts, the new connections forged in the brain from reading strengthen and grow over time.

Reading also has benefits to mental health. Reading helps reduce stress and anxiety. Leaning into this magic power, some experts even suggest reading before bed to help wind down and relax before sleeping.

Did you know that reading 20 minutes a day can also help you make friends? This habit helps with strengthening self confidence and building relationships. Because reading strengthens empathy, you’re able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, think critically about a character's motivations and apply those skills to real life situations!

Reading is magic and has benefits to mental and physical health. Reading just 20 minutes a day will set you up for a lifetime of success!


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